Student Sponsorship Program
Sons of Thunder Zambia is looking for sponsors to help children continue their education. As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to financially and prayerfully support children from grades 8 through 12 and then college. Listed below are the students in the program according to their grades. If you click on one of the pictures, it will take you to that individual student and tell you what school he or she attends, the cost of tuition along with a little personal and family information. Once you have selected your student, all you have to do is click on the DONATE button and make your donation. Any amount is welcomed and if no student is selected, we also have an Unsponsored Account to make sure all the students are assisted. The goal of the SOT Student Sponsorship Program is for all kids to graduate grade 12 successfully!
The Blessed Fund
Remember your first job? Remember how it felt to make your own money?
The Blessed Fund program is a work/study program for grade 8-12 students while home during school breaks. It is an opportunity for the students to learn the value of working along with a chance to teach good work ethics. The kids work from 08:00 to 12:00, break for lunch and then come back from 14:00 - 16:00 for an afternoon class. Over the years we have had different bible teachings, extra lessons on a variety of school subjects as well as guest presentations from career professionals, wildlife conservationists and even a field trip to the airport. The rewards for a program like this are beneficial on many levels, but the kids really like making their own money. Before school resumes, there is always a scheduled shopping day for the kids to purchase their backpacks and other small school supplies.
Take time and view our student's info and if you feel that you can help one or more financially, please do not hesitate to do so.