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It is with immense pride and joy to see our Blessed Fund kids graduate Grade 12. This chapter of their life is not only a success because hey ran their race but also because of the unwavering support they received, be it Spiritually, financially, morally or any other form that positively impacted them. So to everyone out there that played a part in this THANK YOU!!! Your generosity and belief in these young lives is instrumental in shaping their lives.....

While on this subject, please know that as Grade 12s graduate there are Grade 8s incoming so your continued support to help provide for their educational needs is very much needed. Your contribution can make a lasting difference in their lives just as it has for the recent graduates.

Here are two pictures showing the two groups

But this time they found an electric fence around the farm proper and all irrigated fields and gardens. Prevented from entering the farm proper, they proceeded to Southern Corner where they feasted on whatever was left of our drought-stricken maize.

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Munkombwe was raised at SOT and was assisted from the Student Sponsorship Program and The Blessed Fund to pursue a career in art. After training at school and the National Art Gallery in Lusaka, Munkombwe is now building a reputation as a "budding artist." To say thank you to Sons of Thunder Munkombwe designed, constructed, and installed this beautiful sign post at the road side!

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